University Library




Reference service

Reference services include Library orientation, Current Awareness Service, and Selective Dissemination of Information and most significantly Ask a Librarian. The essence of Reference services is to bring the library closer to the user by offering service with a personal touch. To reach the Reference Librarian for assistance on your information needs, please Click this link [email protected]


Internet service

The Library as a network location has direct access to the University’s Center for Computer Resources (CRC) and therefore receives a wide and strong network which is accessible to users of the Library. The library also has computer systems in the e-library that are internet ready and can be used at no direct cost to the library user.



The library loans out information resources that are open access and are usually kept in the general reading room like textbooks, pamphlets and monographs in the general reading room The borrowing policy allows two books for two weeks for undergraduate students, and four books for four weeks for postgraduate  students and faculty. Books that are on loan must be returned before the due date and in good condition too.


Reserved services

Materials that are in high demand may be placed on hold by the Circulation Unit for a prospective user who has indicated interest.


Photocopying, Scanning and Printing

Photocopying, Scanning and Printing services are available at subsidized rates. The 100KVA capacity generator provides alternative power supply to support these services.



The Bindery Unit of the library is charged with the responsibility of repairing worn-out books The University Library bindery is equipped with state-of-the-art binding equipment and professionally trained staff who ensure that books are kept in good condition. Students, staff and other patrons patronise the bindery for good quality work that are returned in record time.


Inter-Library Cooperation

The University Library cooperates with other universities to support information users, especially through referral services and interlibrary loans. All that is needed is evidence that the prospective user is a registered user of his or her home library.


Video coverage and Photography

The Multimedia Unit is equipped with modern equipment to provide a varied range of services including  video coverage and photography for University events. Good quality service may also be extended to prospective clients beyond the University at subsidised rates. The range of services include video recording, transfer, viewing and dubbing. Photographic services include retrieving of old pictures, copying of photographs for projects, photobooks and slide making.


User Education / Information Literacy

To create more awareness of available library resources and services and encourage effective use of the library at an early stage of the students’ academic experience, professional librarians teach a library course to all undergraduate students in their first year. Other forms of user education include consultations with the reference librarian, library tours and library orientation.


Newspaper and Magazine service

The University Library has standing subscriptions to up to seven state-owned and national newspapers which are freely available on a daily basis in both the Main and Branch (School) Libraries. Back issues of these newspapers and magazines are also available to library users on request.


Research, Publications and Indexing services

Research, publications and indexing  services are offered by the University Library on consultancy basis.


Training and Capacity Building

Training and capacity building through seminars, workshops and other fora is carried out by the Research, Development and Publications Unit. This Unit is also involved in outreach and promotion of research and development in the Library and University at large.