The General Collection
This Collection consists mostly of monographs and textbooks which cover various fields of study and are located in the three General Reading rooms. The books are organised with the Library of Congress classification scheme and are located on the first and second floors of the present library building. The Collection is on open access and materials can be borrowed according to library borrowing policy. Registered undergraduate students are entitled to two books with a loan period of two weeks, while postgraduate and faculty are entitled to a maximum of four books for four weeks.
The Reference Collection
The Reference collection is a rich stock of information resources consisting of dictionaries, encyclopaedia, handbooks and other resources intended strictly for consultation. These resources are not available for borrowing. However they are quite accessible and can be found in the Reference Unit on the ground floor of the University Library building.
The Serials Collection
The Serials collection consists of the research materials.Journals being the most important tool for reporting scientific research in all the fields of study are a major part of this Collection. The journals in the Serials Unit include current local and foreign journals in all the disciplines covered by the University. Newspapers and magazines are also kept in the Serial Unit. The materials in the SerialsLibrary are closed access collections and cannot therefore be borrowed.
The Reserve Collection
The Reserve Collection is managed by the Circulation Unit. The materials are closed access and cannot therefore be taken outside the library, however a user may be allowed to use it for a maximum of two hours at a time on users request. The reserve materials may be recommended by the lecturers or found to be few in the library, yet in high demand.
Government Publications and Special documents
These documents consist mostly of locally published materials like, inaugural lectures, convocation proceedings, foundation lectures and annual lectures from FUTA. Publications which emanate from government agencies, ministries and parastatals are also kept in this collection. It houses a special collection of publications of the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation) of the United Nations. The University Library is a depository of FAO, therefore it also boasts of a rich collection of FAO reports and publications in various fields of agriculture ranging from agricultural economics, to food security, fishery and other aspects. The Government Publication and Special documents Unit may conveniently be referred to as the archive of the University. They are on closed access status and only accessible directly to teaching staff and postgraduate students only. Most of the collection are used during exhibitions.Undergraduate students who wish to consult any of the materials in the Unit is require to apply for it through the Head of Unit.
Theses and Dissertations
The large output of Masters and Phd theses are organised and preserved for consultation in the Postgraduate Library. Though these resources are not allowed for borrowing , they can be used within the confines of the PG Library.
DVD and CD Collection
The Library has a large collection of DVDs and CDs on various disciplines. These are available for use on request from the E-Resources Unit and Multimedia Unit