University Library

Library Policy

Collection Development Policy

Mission statement

To provide an efficient and effective service for teaching/learning, research and community development through accurate collection development process and policy. This includes selection, acquisition, cataloguing and classification (including retrospective conversion), book processing, collection care, document supply, stock management, logistical planning and retention of library materials (printed, audiovisual and electronic collections).

Aims of the Collection Management Policy

The main reason for a written collection development policy is to prevent the library from being driven by events or individual enthusiasms and from purchasing a random set of resources which may not support the mission of the University. FUTA Library has a central library known as Albert Ilemobade Library (AIL) that services all the schools and departments. There are strong book and journal collections in the central library that support the programmes of the University. The library has a collection of over 71,000 volumes of books at the time of printing, which cover the entire programmes in the schools and departments.

Collection development is an ongoing process requiring professional considerations and experience to balance competing needs and demands. This strategy outlines the principles that guide in selecting and deselecting resources for Albert Ilemobade library collection. It describes the measurement tools used to ensure standards are being met; identifies challenges, opportunities and future trends and recommends a course of action for the future. Collections, whether hard or soft, are the heart of all libraries. The University library collection has established a strong foundation on which the Library has built its successful programs and services. The Albert Ilemobade Library collections aim to satisfy the reading, listening, studying, information, teaching and research needs of all students and staff.

Albert Ilemobade Library (AIL) is a resource centre for the University community and as such, it is important for users to access and utilize the varied information resources contained therein. Users should also endeavour to adhere to rules and regulations relating to how the collections are to be utilized. Some of these regulations are contained in the library guide which is given to all registered users freely at the point of registration.

Policy on Collection Development

The Collection Policy aims to deliver a dynamic, relevant and involving collection of resources to support teaching, learning and research in the university and, where possible, in the wider learning community. This will be supported by existing and new methods of acquisition. The general collections are openly accessible and located where they can be best utilized by the library users. The Library also focuses more on current and recent publications aside from those collections on demand that can be acquired retrospectively. The types of materials acquired range from monographs, periodicals, textbooks and electronic materials such as e-books and e-journals.

User–based Assessment of Library Collections and Services

The interests and information needs of students and staff of the University are very important factors that influence to a very large extent, the development and management of collections at the University Library. Patron feedback is continually encouraged, and needs assessments are conducted at regular intervals. Other methods include feedback mechanism and suggestions for the improvement of library operations and services.

Acquisition of Library Resources

The library purchases information materials or access to information materials in the most appropriate and cost effective way to support and advance teaching, learning and research throughout the University.

The library acquires print and non-print materials on all subject disciplines. Presently, a minimum of four copies of a title are acquired at a time. Online databases are acquired through subscriptions that are renewed regularly and subject to availability of fund.

What do we Purchase?

  • Books
  • The choice of format is on availability, access and appropriateness to the users reflecting the curriculum of the University. Print materials are sometimes the only or preferred option but e-books will be purchased where they give better value and access, for instance, textbooks in high demand that serve as major reference works.

  • Journals
  • The print version of a title is acquired but the electronic version is now considered a better option because of remote access advantage, space saving and consistency in terms of accessibility.

  • Databases and Other Electronic Resources
  • The library looks forward to increasing the digital resources it offers while it also ensures value-for-money in its purchase. Preference is given to networked resources over standalone datasets. The library subscribes to databases like EBSCOHOST, OARE, AGORA, HIHARI, ARDI and other databases relevant to the University curriculum.

  • Special Collections
  • Printed special collections are acquired primarily through gift or purchase and in other exceptional circumstances, through deposit. The Library acquisition procedures for rare items are in line with users’ needs.

    v. Furniture and Equipment:

    The Library furnishes its open space with appropriate furniture and equipment. Furniture and equipment are maintained on regular basis.

    How do we Purchase?

    The Library ensures that there is a proper balance in its selection of books, serials and databases, and allocated resources in a strategic and accountable way which best serves the resource needs of the University. There has been difficulty in implementing the collection policy of the Library because of dwindling budget allocation and release. Reduced budgeting will not give room for planned book collection development. The Library operates book/purchase at the instance of needs. TETFund as an intervention agent is now relied on for book purchase and development. However, the irregularity in TETFund release has become a great challenge.


    The Library has historically benefited from donations of individual items and collections, and will continue to welcome offers in forms of gifts and donations in line with its content development and collection policies. The Library considers the following factors in determining the acceptance of gifts:

    • Academic value – This considers whether the collections have academic or intrinsic value for teaching and research in the University.
    • Importance – This factor also takes cognizance of whether the collection is of local, national or international importance.
    • Collection care – This relates to the suitable physical standard of the material suitable to be added to the Library’s collections.
    • Cataloguing – Normal cataloguing processes are followed in the preparation of bibliographic records of acquired materials taking into cognizance available cataloguing tools required for the process.
    • Stock management – Space and relevance are critical conditions to the acceptance of gifts and these may be disposed of when the need arises according to Library policy.

    Meanwhile, the following factors are also germane to the collection development of the library:

  • The decision whether to accept donations or not rests with the Library authority.
  • The Library welcomes donations of information resources which may enhance its collections in accordance with her policy.
  • Donations are accepted on the understanding that they become the property of the University.
  • A register of donations is maintained by the Library.
  • The Library may actively solicit donations whenever appropriate.
  • Resource Types

  • The Library collects resources in any format that meet teaching, research and general information needs of the Library and its users in any format.
  • The Library maintains an awareness of new formats and plans for collection growth and the purchase of equipment to support emerging formats. New formats are considered for purchase as demand and use arise. Similar considerations influence the decision to do away with old and obsolete formats as the collections grow.
  • Resource Discovery and Access

    Access to information content through the Library’s catalogue supports research and scholarship, teaching and learning priorities of the University. Wherever possible, the library integrates discovery and delivery, enriches content, and improves search and navigation tools to publicize its collections.

    The library provides a range of tools to assist users in locating and accessing relevant content and seeks to reduce the number of interfaces needed thereby creating a simplified search experience.


  • Resources, whether purchased, donated, freely available on the Internet or identified for digitization are selected primarily by academic staff, subject librarians and library staff in line with the collection development policy.
  • Other items such as those in special/rare collections, official publications, reference collection, interdisciplinary areas and other special areas are selected by library staff according to the relevant collection development policy with special focus on users’ academic, research and information needs .
  • Librarians make the decisions on the purchase of replacement copies.
  • The decision on whether to acquire expensive items may be influenced by the decision of selection committee or University Librarian.
  • Library interacts deeply with departments on matters relating to selection of books particularly core and ‘must have’ books on a particular discipline.
  • De-selection

  • De-selection is carried out with transparency in line with the subject level collection statements.
  • Deselected resources may be donated to other libraries, sold, given away or destroyed.
  • A record of deselected resources is kept.
  • Collection Care

    The role of the library collection is to enable access while prolonging the life of the Library collections and minimizing the risk of damage.

    Principle of Collection Care

    The library general policy is to preserve and maintain the integrity of items acquired to the highest professional standards. Collection care covers historical, textual, pictorial and physical content of the items and takes into account the rarity, access requirements and physical condition of the material. Materials in original format will be preserved for as long as possible and access will be provided to original and surrogate formats as appropriate. Material with intrinsic value will be preserved in original format in perpetuity. Digital and database collections are preserved basically by providing back-up copies in another location. Library adopts different digital storage devices as back-ups.

    Handling & Transportation

    The library encourages correct handling of collections by staff and library users. Collection care procedure ensures that materials either in transit to, from or within, or on loan for exhibition are well protected and carefully handled.


    The preservation of collections will be ensured through the use of appropriate storage facilities and correct housing and protection of individual items while in storage using materials of the highest conservation quality.

    Collections Preservation

    The Library believes that continuous and routine collection maintenance will reduce the likelihood of serious damage to its collections. Collection maintenance will include:

    • Monitoring the condition of its collections on a continual basis and taking action to replace, treat or reformat, as appropriate, individual items identified as being damaged.
    • Using appropriate containers – boxes, sleeves, wrappers and similar materials to protect collections.
    • Maintaining cleanliness in the storage areas and endeavouring to clean collections on a systematic basis using appropriate methods.
    • Installation of fans and air conditioners to ensure longevity of library collections
    • Enforcement of rules and regulations that prevent eating and other dangerous habits that may likely endanger the lives of the Library materials

    Collection Management

    Assessment and Evaluation

  • Assessment and evaluation of all collections (other than special materials) is required in order to maintain the integrity of the collection within the steady-state. Special/Rare materials are evaluated and assessed on receipt and in terms of the related collection statement.
  • Albert Ilemobade Library (AIL) conducts regular shelf checks in order to maintain accurate catalogue records (OPAC and manual) for directional and location purposes.
  • Collections whether print or electronic, are assessed on a regular basis so as to ensure their appropriateness, availability, relevance and currency with regards to information needs of users.
  • Retention

  • Resources may be located on the open shelves, in special collections or on the reserve stack.
  • As a general rule, resources in the Library collection are retained indefinitely if they are deemed to be of continuing historical, archival, research and academic value.
  • Monitory and Financial Control

    • The Library is committed to rigorous financial controls, data gathering and reporting mechanisms.
    • As a performance indicator, the library measures the effectiveness of our suppliers and ensures that cost benefits via consortia purchasing is achieved

    Funding and Budget

  • The Library financial aligns with that of the University.
  • The University allocates funds to the Library annually for the purchase of information resources.
  • c) The Library budget is also funded through TETFund support which is accessed on a regular basis.

    Implementation of Library Policies

    General Principles

    The following general principles govern how the Library implements its policy:

  • The collection development and management policy are developed in collaboration with stakeholders.
  • The collection is regarded as single and integrated.
  • The Library centralizes purchase, organization and access to its information resources.
  • The Library uses digital systems to manage all collections and ensure that all resources can be found by users via the library catalogue using OPAC
  • Electronic resources are preferred where they satisfy the agreed criteria more fully than print resources.
  • The Library does not exclude resources on moral, political, religious, racial or gender grounds to satisfy the demands of sectional interest and general studies.
  • The Library avoids duplication of resources.
  • The Library maintains a steady state in its onsite collections, other than in its special materials collections.
  • The Library collaborates with other groups, at local, national, international and consortia level to increase and enhance the information resources which may be made available.
  • The Library supports the University’s commitment to making publicly funded research possible.
  • The Library preserves, on a long time, resources identified as potentially relevant to research and teaching.
  • The University Librarian ensures compliance with this policy.
  • Selection committee:

    The University Librarian is the head of the committee which comprises the Acquisitions Librarian and other librarian. Schools and Heads of Departments are fully involved in selection process.

    Tools Used in Selection of Materials

    Internet: book vendors’ site like Amazon, Peter Lang etc., Publishers catalogue, Title suggestions from lecturers, suggestions from students (which depends largely on the discretion of the University Librarian). OPAC of other academic libraries, Bibliography, etc. are some of the selection tools employed for the selection of library materials.

    Method of Acquisition

    Books and other materials are acquired through direct purchase from institution bookshops, book vendors, and book agents and also through gift and exchange.

    Cataloguing and Classification Policy


    The purpose of this policy is to organize books and other library materials in order to make them more accessible to the users of the library. The policy is to set standards in organizing collections using globally recognized catalouging and classification tools.


    The policy will allow collections to be catalogued to a level that reflects the needs of current and future library users, and to extend the use of the collections.

    Changes to this policy can only occur through the initiative of the University Librarian with a view to addressing any problems noticed in the cataloguing processes.

    General Cataloguing Policy

    The Cataloguing Unit of Albert Ilemobade Library is a section of the Technical Services Division (TSD) of the library that catalogues and classifies materials. The Cataloguing Unit delivers a fundamental public service by providing intellectual access to the Library collections. It is the function of cataloguing to organize library materials for access by patrons, which includes other library staff as well as the users of the library. Access by patrons includes both physical browsing of the OPAC and search of the manual catalogue.

    The Cataloguing Unit strikes a balance between national and international standards for bibliographic records, adapts and enhances such to effectively meet the needs of library patrons.

    Cataloguing Standards

    In processing the library materials (preparation of bibliographic records of selected materials), the cataloguing unit uses Library of Congress (LC), Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition, 2002 Revision (AACR2) and the Library of Congress interpretations of AACR2 as cataloguing and classification tools.

    However, if the Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC) practice conflicts with LC interpretations, OCLC practices supercedes. AACR2 third level (i.e. full-level) description is used for all records input into OCLC. The department attempts to edit local catalogue records to reflect full-level AACR2 description. However, the individual cataloguer may determine if such editing is of sufficient value to justify the effort expended.

    The LC classification schedules and their updates are followed for all current cataloguing and re-cataloguing of library materials except for most government publications and media formats (e.g. DVDs, Audio CDs, Microforms).

    Decisions regarding re-classification of materials will be made in consultation with the Chief Cataloguer. If the actual location is at variance with the classification, the classified material is returned for re- classification by the more experienced cataloguer. LC authority files and practices are kept and followed. OCLC authority records are imported into the local catalogue when available. When not available, authority records are created and MARC authority formats will be followed.

    The following is a list of the aids or tools utilised by the Cataloging Unit:

  • Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules Second Edition, 2002 edition
  • Library of Congress Rule Interpretations
  • Library of Congress Cataloguing Services Bulletin
  • Library of Congress Subject Headings
  • Library of Congress subject Heading Manual
  • Library of Congress Subject Cataloguing: Manual.
  • Sears’ List of Subject Headings
  • Online Catalouging Link Z39.5
  • Cataloguing and Classification

    Through the provision of an easy-to-use online catalogue, patrons are able to discover and access the resources held in the Library with strict adherence to:

  • Provision of high quality descriptive bibliographic data for both printed and digital resources
  • Comprehensive and accurate description of collections to meet modern research needs and to widen access to the wealth of our collections.
  • Bibliographic standards to permit interoperability with other services at local, national and international levels
  • Provision of subject access and analyses both through the application of traditional classification scheme and innovative methods
  • Out-of –catalogue Collections

    The Library has a significant amount of materials which are uncatalogued or are only accessible through the printed list. External funding for collections in this cataloguing programme may be sought, especially where collections have potential for digitization. Partners for collaborative cataloguing projects may also be sought where appropriate.

    Albert Ilemobade Library Institution Repository

    The Library retains copies of all the Theses and Dissertations of value to the University community. Theses and Dissertations in the collection will be catalogued onto the online catalogue to the minimum bibliographic standards required to allow full interoperability with other systems.

    Theses and Dissertations held in the Institutional Repository will have accompanying metadata created to acceptable international and national standards, to allow for interoperability of the records. Records for theses and Dissertations held in the Institutional Repository will be made available on the computer catalogue to the full text of the theses.

    The Library adopts Dspace (FUTAspace) to host its Institutional Repository (IR). In most cases, IR are digitized and uploaded to the FUTAspace. Only abstract of theses and dissertations are upload. Users are to refer to the Unit of Host for original. Other IR such as inaugural lectures, annual lectures etc are uploaded whole and accessible online

    The University Library uses the following standards as guidelines for cataloguing work: Anglo American Cataloguing Rules 2 (AACR2). The University Library adopts AACR2 in the formulation of descriptive cataloguing and access points in the cataloguing of each item. Online cataloguing and classification is used for materials except where the materials are not available online, the original manual cataloguing and classification is adapted.


    The University Library follows the AACR2 in determining the form under which each name is entered in the database.

    Library of Congress Subject Headings

    The University Library shall use the Library of Congress Subject Headings list to determine the subject headings. As subject terminology change over time due to review and updates, the Unit will make concerted effort to update the assigned subject headings.

    World Cat

    World Cat is the world’s most comprehensive bibliographic database. The Cataloguing unit uses World Cat to retrieve bibliographic record of a particular material.

    Other Bibliographic Database Sources

    Other bibliographic database sources shall be consulted for cataloguing work. This may be obtained from Online Public Access Catalogue of Library of Congress.

    Classification Standards

    The University Library classifies the library materials in accordance with the Library of Congress Classification Schedules. This is by using notations assigned to each subject as contained in the schedule as identification numbers for the materials..

    Call numbers/ Class Marks

    Call number/ Class mark is a combination of letters and numbers on a library item consisting of a class number, a book number, and sometimes a location symbol. The University Library uses the Library of Congress Classification schedules to create a call number. Each call number is assigned with location symbol and item code accordingly. Location symbol is an identification of a place where the library items are kept.

    Cutter Numbers

    Cutter numbers shall be used to distinguish the author number to order materials alphabetically on the shelf within a class, subclass or subject area.

    Levels of Cataloguing

    In general, materials receive full cataloguing according to AACR2 Second level of description as follow:

    Title proper (general material designation) = Parallel title: other title information / first statement of responsibility; each subsequent statement of responsibility, edition statement / first statement of responsibility relating to the edition. Material (or type of publication) specific details. First place of publication, etc. first publisher, etc., date of publication (imprint) etc. Extent of item: other physical details; dimensions (title proper / series / statement of responsibility relating to series, ISBN/ISSN of series; numbering within the series, title of subseries, ISSN of subseries; numbering within subseries). Standard number

    Bibliographic Description

    The University Library adopts the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd edition (AACR2) for the cataloguing of materials which are not available in the bibliographic database (original cataloguing) and also copy cataloguing. The bibliographic database contains only one bibliographic description of a given bibliographic item among the library holdings.

    Types of Material

    The University Library also catalogues all materials based on the Library of Congress Classification (LC) and AACR2 descriptive cataloguing standards with the following policies for cataloguing:


    The library catalogues monographs. A monograph is a bibliographic resource that is complete in one part or intended to be completed within a finite number of parts.

    Contributions to Book/Journal Articles

    The Library catalogues parts of single chapters of books, articles from journals and articles clipped in newspapers to be included in the bibliographic records of the library and for easy access by both students and staff.

    Electronic Resources

    An electronic resource is material (data and/or program(s) encoded for manipulation by a computerised device. This material may require the use of a peripheral directly connected to a computerised device (e.g., CD-ROM drive) or a connection to a computer network (e.g., the internet). Electronic resources are catalogued and classified using Library of Congress classification standards.

    Government Documents

    Government documents are all materials published by government: federal, state, local, parastatals and foreign. Government documents are catalogued and classified using appropriate classification tools (Library of Congress Classification Schemes, Library of Congress Subject Headings, AACR2, etc ).

    Internet Resources

    Items accessed remotely through the Internet are catalogued if the Library pays for access and/or if a license agreement is required and when such item is available in two or more formats such as in print CD-ROM.

    Loose-leaf Publications

    A loose-leaf publication is generally catalogued as an open entry monograph because the basic information is intended to be revised and replaced or added to.

    Maps and Cartographic Material

    Maps are catalogued and classified using Library of Congress Classification as appropriates.

    Microforms/ CD, DVD.

    Same as above goes for microforms / CDs.

    Non-book materials

    Non-book materials include sound recordings, audio-visual materials, slides, films and video recordings, computer files, etc. All of these materials are fully catalogued and classified in accordance with provisions of LC.


    A serial is a continuing publication issued on a regular and definite basis, once a year or less frequently. Serials include non-monographic items issued under same title, with consecutive numbering or dates and are intended to be indefinite, e.g. technical reports, journals, etc. Serials include titles issued in frequent editions such as journals, newspapers and bulletins. Serial titles either with or without accession numbers are catalogued and classified according to LC set standards.

    Authority Control

    Authority Control work is crucial to having functional library catalogue and providing efficient retrieval mechanism to the University catalogue record. Authority control or controlled vocabulary is an entry standard for Authors name and Subject Headings. These include the use of the See and See also references.

    Authority control enhances access by patrons and library staff to library collections by improving the quality of the bibliographic records in the database. Name, subject, and series title correctness and consistency facilitate searching the database. With the controlled vocabulary of authority work, the catalogue user has to search under one and only one heading. Authority control aids collection development processes. Use of a controlled vocabulary assists cataloguers by providing a framework for collection access.

    The authority processing includes updating or correcting of the controlled headings in the current bibliographic record file and providing name, subject, and title authority records to the library. Additionally, authority processing will correct MARC tags, indicators, and format. Authority control may be called Authority control or shelf list.

    Albert Ilemobade Library adopted the Library of Congress Subject Headings for assigning subject headings in the description of library materials.

    Stock Management

    The challenge for university libraries is to manage the demand for further shelving and storage space while ensuring that the library continues to collect materials to support world-class research and teaching. The library’s materials are working collections and are regularly evaluated to ensure that they are meeting the needs of the university in the areas of teaching, learning, research and accreditation of courses.

    Stock Management Principles

    The Library organises its printed collections in the following ways:

    • Open shelves: materials of relevance to the current teaching and learning and / or research needs of the University are organized in the open shelves.
    • Special Collections: materials of local, national and international importance in line with the Library’s content development policy are housed specially in a special collection unit.
    • Students’ theses and dissertations are also organized and housed specially in a special unit for easy access and use by both staff and students.
    • Serials/ periodicals are organized and arranged in a special unit and manned by a Serials Librarian.
    • ICT resources are also acquired, organized and made accessible to patrons in a special unit equipped with internet resources for information network.
    • Audio- visual resources are made available in an audio-visual/multimedia unit with services providing e-learning resources in support of teaching and research. Multimedia equipments are made available to support University academic events and programmes.

    Location of Printed Collections

    General Principles:

    • The Library houses the printed materials required for teaching and learning purposes in open access in the most suitable locations in the library system.
    • Materials required for current research are, as far as possible, housed in open- access locations and also made available in electronic format.
    • Current journal titles and recent content will be located on open shelves in the Serials section of the library.
    • The Library reviews its provision of audio-visual /multimedia materials and a suitable location for both collections for readers’ spaces.
    • Materials may be moved within the library system when and where appropriate

    Retention and Disposal

    The Library uses the following criteria as guidelines to assess her holdings.

    The criteria are as follows:

    • Relevance to current research and / or teaching and learning within the University
    • Potential relevance to future research and /or teaching and learning within the University
    • Level of usage
    • Duplication within the library
    • Rarity
    • Availability of electronic equivalents where appropriate
    • Accessibility of other copies (e.g. Loans from other libraries)
    • Physical condition

    Stock for weeding is identified by collection management staff with the assistance of staff from other units of the Library. The relevant faculty team and special collections staff are consulted for their agreement on stock transfer to store or for disposal.

    Methods of Disposal

    Materials selected for disposal are dealt with in one of the following ways:

    • Making use of charitable organisations to sell materials on our behalf and divide income between the charity organizations and Library
    • Selling to legitimate booksellers
    • Giving away to another library, a charity or similar organisations
    • Disposing of the weeded materials using save environmental protection devices.

    Maintenance Policies

    The Cataloguing unit manages monitors and maintains the quality of bibliographic records of the University Library. The following procedures are undertaken to ensure that data quality is maintained in the library, namely:

    • Recataloguing/Remarking
    • Reclassification
    • Record Transfers /Editing, and
    • Withdrawals


    Recataloguing is most often the result of a change in the treatment of a bibliographic item (e.g., a monograph becoming a serial) and may be initiated by the Cataloguing unit.


    Reclassification is kept to a minimum. Corrections are made when an improper classification number/s is/are found to have been used which implies that the materials have been wrongly classified.

    Record Transfers / Editing

    The cataloguing unit routinely edits records regarding suggestions and inputs from staff collection locations to reflect the transfer of materials from one library collection to another.

    The following requirements are considered in other sections or divisions of the library:

  • All sections of the University Library shall inform the cataloguing unit if any data discrepancy is found in cataloguing database.
  • The library allows the editing of bibliographic records by an authorised staff (usually an experienced cataloguing staff).
  • Should the holdings be transferred to another location, the Cataloguing unit shall be notified by the party concerned of any transfer so that the database can be updated.
  • Any periodical items which are to be bound and repaired should be communicated to the Bindery Unit. The Catalouging unit should be notified if there is any need for adjustment, addition and amendment to the bibliographic record of the library.
  • Withdrawals

    The cataloguing unit in case there is any reported sported error, withdraws any bibliographic record from the database if there is the need to do so in conformity with the collection development policy.

    The withdrawal of any bibliographic records from the library database should be undertaken by the cataloguing staff with the approval of the Head of Cataloguing unit.

    Materials that will not be Catalogued

    The library will not catalogue items which are known to infringe the Nigerian Copyright Act 0f 1996 and the International Copyright Law. Photocopies of materials covered by copyright must be accompanied by an indication that permission to make the copy has been obtained.

    These policies also apply to materials received under the University Library gifts and exchange managed by the Acquisitions Unit of the library. This is done at the discretion of the University Librarian.

    Circulation policy


    Only validly registered staff and students (undergraduate and postgraduate) are qualified to use the library resources.

    All library users must present a valid identification card to access the collections. University students and staff must present their library ID card with current academic year validation in order to access and borrow materials from the Library. Non-university "guests" borrowers must obtain a photo-ID card from the Circulation Unit of the library. Loss or theft of an identification card should be reported immediately to the circulation desk.

    All cards, except those issued to organizations, are non-transferrable; transferred personal cards will be confiscated and the library privileges of the cardholder may be revoked. Registered library patrons are eligible to avail themselves of the existing varied library services ranging from photocopying services, bindery services, ICT services, audio visual services, CD Search, reference services, database services, periodical services, borrowing services and others. Remote access to library collections is possible at any location within the University Campus.

    Borrowing Privileges

    Both regular staff and students of the University are eligible to borrow books and other materials from the University Library. Individuals or entities who do not fall into the above categories and who wish to use the library collections can also make use of the Library Resources through introduction to the Circulation Librarian who issues special permission card to such categories of users to enable them access library collections.

    Borrowers’ Responsibilities

    Items charged out on a personal identification card remain the responsibility of the individual named on that card. All eligible borrowers are expected to have current postal and e-mail addresses with the circulation section of the library which is responsible for their registration. Borrowers are responsible for recalls at all times. If circumstances require individuals to leave town, they should make arrangements for responding to the recall and prompt return of the item(s) to the Library. Items charged out to an individual must be returned in good condition without (evidence of) defacement, mutilation, or any kind of damage.

    The library is, however, committed to protecting users as the University Library limits the collection of personal information to what is relevant and necessary to conduct library business, e.g. users’ name, university identification, phone numbers, residential address, schools / departments and level of studies. The library retains the information only as long as it is needed to complete transactions or provide services. Information in the library record is considered confidential and will not be released by the Library to a third party except by court order or legal search warrant as may be demanded for by the University management in very special cases.

    Loan Periods

    Staff and postgraduate students are allowed to borrow four books for a period of four weeks while undergraduate students are entitled to two books for a period of two weeks. All materials are subject to be recalled if needed for reserve or if requested for by another borrower if available copies are not sufficient (less than three or four copies per title).

    Books Not Found in the Stacks

    If a patron cannot locate an item in the stacks and it is not checked out, he/she, with borrowing privileges, may request a search by completing a "trace" request. Full traces for a missing book may take as long as a week though some can easily be located. Patrons are notified of the results of the trace. If an item needed by a patron is missing, the library may assist him/her to interact with other libraries under interlibrary loan policy.


    All patrons are responsible for honoring recall requests and sanctions are imposed on overdue books. If a library item is checked out to another borrower, the library may recall it for use. In the event an item is recalled, a notice is generated with the new due date and sent to the current borrower. The current borrower has up to ten days from the date on which the recall is placed to return the recalled item. Failure to return a recalled item by the new due date will incur a fine of N100.00 per day and the borrower will be prevented from borrowing again until the item is returned.

    Overdue Penalties and Lost Book Fees

    Most borrowers are subject to fines for the late return of library books and other materials. For non-reserve items, these fines are N10.00 per day. In most cases, the due date is stamped on a slip at the back of each book. However, a recall notice establishes a new due date for books requested for other borrowers. If a book is long overdue or damaged, the patron shall be billed for its replacement. Calculation is made right from the date the book is due for return at ten naira (N10.00.) per day.

    Serials Policy

    Albert Ilemobade Library purchases serials to support teaching, learning and research of the University community. Within the context of maximizing budget resources, the library seeks to provide current titles that reflect the wide variety of research and academic needs and provides access to scholarship and, at the same time maximises both budget and space resources. The University Library does not purchase serials in multiple formats. Presently, the library acquires two copies of each title of serials.

    (i) Journal: Journals are very important resources in the Library collection. At AIL, both local and foreign journals are considered very germane to intellectual, teaching and research development. Foreign journals are normally subscribed for annually and operate at prepay platform. Regular prepayments of foreign journals are based on availability of funds. Local journals are acquired using journal aggregators and agents.

    (ii) Other Periodicals: Newspapers, magazines and other occasional publications are classified here. Approved numbers of newspapers/magazines are procured on a regular basis for the main and school libraries.

    (iii) Government Documents, Institutional Repository (IR) and other publications: AIL accepts approved government publications, gazette etc. The Library also serves as a depository for Food and Agricultural Organisation publications. It is a policy of AIL to search, obtain and digitise all Institutional publications such as inaugural lectures, annual lectures, convocation and foundation lectures.

    Electronic format is acquired as a complement to both books and journals as it provides the greatest on- and- off-campus access. The Library does not normally purchase a single issue of serials. At least two copies of a title are subscribed to in each discipline. Library ensures regularity and sustainability of journal titles.

    Procedures for Selecting Specific Journal Titles

    New subscriptions in a subject area are proposed by Faculty or the Library. The person initiating the request discusses the need for the subscription with members of relevant departments or programmes and ensures that the request reflects departmental programs.

    Selection Criteria

    Some of the factors to consider in adding new subscriptions are:

    • Relevance to the curriculum; both existing courses and new additions.
    • Relevance to faculty scholarship with preference given to titles needed in more than one discipline.
    • Cost of subscription
    • Cost of other titles in the field available.
    • Accreditation requirements.

    Collection of Local Journal Titles

    The University library through the Serial Librarian liaises with departments/institutions where local journal titles can be acquired. Once a title is selected for acquisition, the Serials Librarian ensures that such titles are acquired when available. Visit to some institutions and journal stores are done when necessary. In some cases, journals aggregators/agents are engaged to acquire required journals.

    Collection of International Journal Titles

    The University Library acquires international journal titles through journal agents. Delivery of such journals in record time is paramount to the Library. Hence, the need for a reputable journal vendor e.g. Interworld Management & Services Limited. International journals are subscribed on pre-paid mode.

    University Library Rules and Regulations

    Opening Hours

    During the Semester

    Mondays to Fridays 8.00am - 10.00pm

    Saturdays 9.00am – 6.00pm

    Sundays 4.00pm – 10pm

    Public Holidays Closed

    During Vacation

    Mondays to Fridays 8.00am - 6.00pm

    Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays Closed

    A warning signal (Electric or Hand Bell) is sounded 30 minutes before closing time and again 15 minutes before the Library is finally closed.

    Admission to Use of the Library

    Library materials and services are available to the following persons for the purposes specified below.


    The following persons are allowed to use the Library as readers:

  • All members of the university as specified below:
    • All senior members of the teaching, administrative and technical staff of the University.
    • All registered students of the University.
  • Junior and intermediate staff of the University with special reasons for using the library, and who are recommended, in each case, by the Head of Department concerned.
  • Spouses of senior staff of the University mentioned in (1) above; but where the spouses are not FUTA staff, he/she must be recommended by a senior staff not below the rank of Head of Department (HOD).
  • Persons from outside the University (herein called “external readers”) who, on written application to the University Librarian, have obtained permission to use the library. For this group, the claims of scholarship and research are given first consideration.
  • Visiting research students (including occasional students) certified and recommended by their Heads of Department and staying not less than one academic year at the University.
  • Visiting fellows and associates on the same condition as (4) above.
  • Borrowing

    The right of borrowing from the library is accorded automatically upon registration by the persons mentioned in (1) and (2) above. However, although interpreted to be members of the University; being members of convocation, alumni of the university shall be treated as “external readers” for the purpose of borrowing. The University Librarian’s prior approval is necessary in the case of persons mentioned in (3) and (4) above.

    Undergraduate students have the privilege of borrowing two (2) books for two weeks while the postgraduate students have the privilege to borrow four (4) books for four weeks.

    Registration of Library Users

    Library Users (staff and students) are expected to register on line. Users are directed to visit University website, find Library Registration Platforms and follow the instructions.

    • Each library user, with or without borrowing privilege, must register Online in the Library before making use of the Library. Registration is valid for the duration of study.
    • Junior and intermediate staff of the University and persons mentioned in (5) and (6) above will require a written recommendation from the Head of Department.
    • For external readers, a written application to the University Librarian as well as his direct approval is necessary.

    Admission to the Library

    Every registered reader (staff and student) is issued a library identification card with recent passport. The library identification card must be produced on demand from any member of the library staff and, especially, at the security check points.

    Readers with Borrowing Privilege

    A registered reader with the privilege of borrowing books for home-reading is issued with borrowers’ tickets which are valid for the current academic year only. In the case of loss, a report should be lodged at the circulation desk immediately and a replacement is provided at a specified cost. Readers are liable for all transactions made with their borrowers’ tickets. Borrowers’ tickets are not transferrable.


    Overdue books

    The retention of library materials beyond the date due should be discouraged. Thus, regular notices are sent out to readers in respect of overdue books. Firstly, a week after a book is due. The second notice should also constitute the “long-overdue” notice. The second notices are compiled into a monthly list of “long-overdue” books and published with names and other details of borrowers on library notice-boards and also in a regular monthly library record or bulletin.

  • Fines should also be levied on all overdue books. For details of this, see list of fines below.
  • Borrowers on the list of long-overdue books should automatically lose all loan privileges until such books are returned and the fines settled. If the materials are lost or missing replacement cost has to be paid to the library.
  • In Automation Environment:

    Retention of library materials beyond the date due is checkmated. Patron module in KOHA Software is configured to regulate and alert defaulter. Overdue notices are automatically sent to defaulters. Once the reminder notice is sent, KOHA commences calculation of fine. Fines are levied on all overdue books at the rate of N10 per day for students and staff respectively. The fine rate is set by default and calculation is automatic.


  • Ordinary loans:
  • Fines are levied on all overdue books at the rate of N10 per day for students and staff respectively and it is set.

    N.B. – Sundays are not included in calculating the number of days on which the fines are charged.

    Damage of Library Books

    Readers or borrowers should be held responsible for any injury occurring to a book while in their charge. The term: ‘injury’ includes defacement in a book; removal of portions of a book; mutilation and any other forms of defacement and any act that may be interpreted as damage to the book. The replacement cost of the book should be calculated promptly, and the reader or borrower is made to bear this cost which is the current value of the book.

    Loss of Library Books

  • Books reported as lost or missing must be replaced by the borrower either personally or through the library. The current cost of the book as at the time of loss should be paid by the patron concerned.
  • When a reader replaces a book which has been reported as lost or missing, the book is still liable to a fine calculated from the date it was due for return to the date it is actually replaced. This is to discourage willful withholding of books by selfish borrowers.

    Stealing of Books

    A book is deemed to have been stolen when found in the possession of a reader who has not previously borrowed it. Theft of library materials is a serious offence which must be reported to the University Librarian for appropriate disciplinary action which for a second time offender may involve loss of all library privileges.

    Recovery of Debts

    General Rules

  • Silence must be maintained in the library.
  • Brief-cases, parcels, raincoats, etc. must not be taken into the library. Storage is provided for such items near the library entrance( cloak rooms) where they may be left at the owner’s risk.
  • The consumption of foods and drinks in the library, other than in the staff common rooms, is not permitted.
  • Bottles of ink may not be brought into the library.
  • Air-conditioning controls should not be altered without consulting the library supervisor or his representatives.
  • Readers may not reserve places in the reading areas of the library (except carrels) beyond two hours at any one time.
  • All readers leaving the library must show all books/papers in their possession to the security staff at the entrances or on request to any member of library staff.
  • All readers should switch off their GSM handsets upon entering the library. Distractions caused by sudden telephone (GSM) ringing tone may earn the owner summary dismissal from the library for that day.
  • Books and periodicals consulted by the readers should be left on the reading table.
  • No library user will be allowed to borrow any other book if he/she is in possession of any overdue book.
  • All books marked “REF.” cannot be borrowed.
  • Animals must not be brought into the library.
  • Naked light like candle and the likes must not be used in the library.
  • Smoking, eating, drinking, etc. is forbidden in the library.
  • Mutilation of library books shall be forbidden.
  • Lost or damaged books shall be reported to the library immediately.
  • All persons and books shall be subjected to scrutiny at the security checkpoints in the library.
  • Closed access materials such as projects, dissertations, theses, private collections, monographs and manuscripts, as well as rare works shall not be available for loan.
  • Books, monographs and journals on great demand shall be placed on reserve for a period and shall not be borrowed out of the library.
  • All cases of stealing, mutilation or defacement of library books and journals shall be regarded as serious offences and shall be referred to the Students Disciplinary Committee.
  • Staff members who default when borrowing books shall have the cost of the item/s deducted from their salaries.
  • There shall be periodic stock checking.
  • Reference and journal materials and project works ( theses and dissertations) are not borrowed from the University Library except by the special permission of the University Librarian.
  • Before leaving the University finally, users shall return all books on loan to them and surrender their library tickets or else their clearance certificate shall not be signed.
  • The university shall reserve the right to suspend or withdraw library privileges from persons who contravene University Library regulations and refer such cases to the appropriate University authority for further disciplinary action.
  • Suspension from the Library

    Any unruly conduct (making telephone calls, receiving telephone calls, eating in the library, noise making) or any other behaviour contrary to the library rules and regulations should be reported to the University Librarian through the Circulation Librarian for appropriate disciplinary action which may render the library user involved liable to suspension or exclusion from the use of the library depending on the nature and gravity of the offence committed.

    Annual book stock

    An inspection of the book-stock or portions of the book-stock is carried out annually during academic break and whenever the University Librarian deems it necessary.

    E-Library Policy

    The library policy covers the following rules and regulations for the E-library:

  • a). Library workstations are to be used for course-related activity, scholarly research, and other activities directly related to learning, research and academic purposes for which the unit was established.
  • Use of library workstations to access electronic services offered by the Library takes precedence over other activities.
  • Software installed by users for personal use should be removed at the end of the session.
  • The primary users are staff and students of FUTA community.
  • For the purpose of this policy, electronic information shall be regarded and treated as electronic resource that is made available by the University Library and accessible through library workstations.
  • Library staff may be available to assist patrons in making judgments about the reliability or currency of certain types of Internet information sources.
  • The E- library is primarily responsible for providing internet and electronic information resources to members of the community.
  • Library's electronic resources are distributed via the University network.
  • Use of Resources is limited to personal and noncommercial purposes such as research and study. Prohibited uses include but are not limited to:
  • a. Systematic downloading using robots, scripts, or other software programs

  • Archiving substantial portions of databases, entire journal issues, and other excessive and commercial use and resale of resources.
  • Redistribution of materials beyond what is allowed by copyright and the license.
  • Alleged violations are pursued according to the affiliation of each individual involved.